Sports Injury Treatment

Johnson Chiropractic Center: Sports Injury

There are countless people all over the world who grow up playing sports and many people continue to exercise or compete in some way even into adulthood. Of course, with sports comes the risk of injury, and while nobody goes out assuming that they are going to be injured when they play it is always better to be prepared. Because of this it is important for everyone to have a good overview of some of the most common sports injuries that someone may sustain. The helpful team from Johnson Chiropractic Center is here to help everyone in the Fayetteville area better understand sports injuries. 

Johnson Chiropractic Center: Sports Injury

Knee Injuries

One of the most common body parts that people may injure is the knees. There are two different types of knee injuries that an individual may suffer. The first is the acute knee injury which happens quickly. This category encompasses the sprains and strains that people often hear about. Severe knee injuries can even include tears of knee ligaments such as the ACL, MCL, LCL, or PCL. The other category of knee injuries includes chronic injuries. These are knee injuries that develop gradually over time from issues such as Osgood-Schlatter disease or Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome. These conditions often manifest when someone starts playing sports.

Back Injuries

Back injuries are another common site of sports injuries. Like knee injuries, back injuries can also be either acute or chronic. Acute back injuries can include vertebral fractures, herniated discs, and pinched nerves. This can lead to shooting pains that travel down the arms and legs, making it hard for someone to move. Back injuries from sports can also be chronic and may develop due to overuse situations or paraspinal muscle tenderness. For help with back injuries due to sports, it is helpful for someone to seek regular care from a trained chiropractor. Spinal manipulation procedures can help someone with pain relief and recovery from sports back injuries. 

Shoulder Injuries

One of the most common area to injure is the shoulder. Many shoulder injuries are in sports are due to stress on the rotator cuff, though rotator cuff injuries can also develop gradually due to overuse. Rotator cuff injuries can be painful and may take a while to recover. A trained chiropractor can help someone with pain relief and rehabilitation during this recovery process.

Help from a Trained Chiropractor

These are only a few of the numerous sports injuries which someone may sustain. Anyone who has questions or concerns about a sports injury should visit the Johnson Chiropractic Center today to learn more. We are here to help everyone in the Fayetteville area with any sports injury. You can call us at (479) 935-3021 to schedule an appointment today!



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