text neck

Does an hour pass without you interacting with a digital device; may it is a phone, computer, or TV? Indeed, in this fast-paced life, you can't separate humans from digital technology. Unfortunately, the technology we love can take a toll on our health if we don't take preventive measures. For instance, spending prolonged time scrolling on your phone may strain your neck, causing pain and other symptoms.

At Johnson Chiropractic Center in Fayetteville, we encounter numerous patients suffering from neck pain and are unable to find the cause. After analyzing the patient’s lifestyle, we often identify the cause of the neck discomfort as text neck. Many people aren't familiar with this condition, so we have put a frequently asked questions section to shed more light on this condition.

What is text neck?

Also known as tech neck, text neck is a condition when continuous stress on the neck leads to neck pain, stiffness, and other symptoms. This condition is common among people who spend excessive time behind a computer or phone. It's not looking at the digital device that causes text neck — it's the poor posture used as you lean over to interact with the screen.

Your neck does an incredible job of carrying your head throughout a lifetime. Your head weighs about 10-12 pounds, so when you tilt your head forward to read a text, chat, or type, it causes a strain on your neck when done for an extended period.

What are the symptoms of text neck?

Text neck symptoms are mild in the initial stages but become more pronounced as the condition advances. The common symptoms of tech neck include:

  • Generalized discomfort in the neck, shoulders, and upper back
  • Headaches
  • Eyestrain
  • Stiffness on your neck and shoulders

How does a chiropractor help with text neck?

Chiropractic care aligns your out-of-position joints to reduce pressure on the compressed soft tissues. In addition, massage therapy relaxes tense muscles, and stretching exercises improves mobility and strengthens your muscles. More importantly, we will educate you on correct posture and give you tips to prevent text neck.

Contact Johnson Chiropractic Center in Fayetteville, AR

Are you battling neck pain in Fayetteville? Book an appointment with Johnson Chiropractic Center for natural and effective pain management. Call our team today at (479) 935-3021 or reach us through our website by using our online contact form.



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